Who had the biggest impact on you developing a lack of self-worth?

Self-worth is the sense of one's own value or worth as a person. It is a critical part of being whole, and yet, almost everyone has struggled or continues to struggle with their sense of self-worth. Cathy Johnson and Andrea Edwards want to get to the bottom of what they believe is a self-worth crisis. They will soon be launching a series of podcasts, where they will talk about the findings from their research and experiences working across the world, as well as speaking with special guests to add thoughts and expertise. The goal of this series is to help uncover the secrets to getting your self-worth back, and overcoming the challenges it has presented in your life to this date. Will you help us get started and fill in this tiny survey? Honestly, only four questions. We are keen to understand when it all starts, and see if there are any common threads –  age, families, culture, institutional influences and more. Thank you and please do share with your communities. The wider the number of responses from around the world, the more trends we will be able to identify. Cheers, Cathy and Andrea!
1.How do you identify?(Required.)
2.Which region of the world were you raised in?(Required.)
3.At what age did your self-worth start to diminish?(Required.)
4.Which person, community or organization had the biggest impact on you in regards to reducing your self-worth - or belief in yourself? Check all that apply.(Required.)
5.Would you be willing to share a story of someone who had an impact on you, badly impacting your ability to develop self-worth? Please do feel free to add your name if you are ok with this being shared publicly. Don't add your name if you are OK for us to share your story anonymously. If you don't want to share a story, leave this empty.
6.If you would like assistance with your self-esteem, we have friends with free access to support. Please visit the Facebook Group, Uncommon Courage an invitation https://www.facebook.com/groups/uncommoncourageaninvitation for  more information. 
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered