Thank you for helping us to learn more about the needs in our communities, and about the potential gaps in social resources. 
We estimate it takes 2 minutes to answer these five brief (but important) questions.
The answers you provide here are completely anonymous (unless you choose to include your contact information at the end).  
We appreciate your help.  We need to know where to focus our efforts toward increasing local resources.  
Thank you, Asher Community Health Center

Question Title

* 1. TRANSPORTATION: In the past 12 months, has lack of transportation kept you from getting to medical appointments, meetings, work or from getting things needed for daily living?

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* 2. Living Situation: What is your living situation today?

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* 3. Food - Q 1:  Within the past 12 months, were you worried that your food would run out before you got money to buy more?

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* 4. Food - Q 2:  Within the past 12 months, did you buy food that didn't last long enough, and you didn't have money to get more?

Question Title

* 5. Financial Resources:  How hard is it for you to pay for the very basics like food, housing, heating, medical care and medications?

Question Title

* 6. Would you like someone from Asher Community Health Center to contact you regarding resources that may be available? 
If so, please enter your name and any of your contact information below - or call 971-245-3249 (direct line) to reach the ACHC Community Health Worker Joan Field.
"We care about your health, and also about your quality of life."

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any additional comments?