TT 2024 Business Feedback Survey for Hospitality and Retail Businesses

This survey has been created by Business Isle of Man to capture the views of business owners and managers of retail and hospitality businesses based on their experiences of TT 2024 in regards to their businesses. The aim of this survey is to understand the impact TT 2024 has had on local businesses.

The information submitted by your company/organisation will be treated in the strictest confidence and not divulged to any third party in a way that could be attributable to the company/organisation that submitted them. Any information that may be published using the data obtained through this survey will not contain any reference to the company/organisation which participated.

Data Protection:
This survey does not require the respondent to provide any personal data and therefore is outside of the scope of the Data Protection Act 2018 and subordinate regulations.

1.What is the name of your business?
2.How long has you business been operating for?
3.Please select what your primary business offering is.
4.In your opinion what was the overall impact of TT 2024 on your business?
5.Did you see a change in footfall during TT 2024 in comparison to the same period in 2023?
6.Did you see a change in your sales during TT 2024 in comparison to the same period in 2023?
7.What do you consider the main reasons for this change in footfall and sales?
8.How did you manage your staffing demand over the period?
9.Did you apply to the TT Hospitality & Retail Staffing Incentive Scheme