Food Security Status, Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and Social Palliative Measures

Dear Respondent,

Thank you for dedicating your time to respond to this survey. This an attempt to investigate the role of the lock-down order for curbing the spread of Covid-19 pandemic crisis and social palliative measures on welfare implication of household food security. Your contribution will be helpful to develop informed policy for escaping food deprivation during and after this crisis.

The survey is targeting household-heads or any representative members of households capable of providing household-level information. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Your responses will be used strictly for academic purpose and be confidentially treated as such.

Kindly help in sharing the link to your Whats-App contacts ONLY.
Thank you for your support in anticipation

Mr. Ibrahim H.K.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Mrs. Oloyede W.O.
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

Prof. Hendriks S.L.
University of Pretoria

Prof. Schönfeldt H.
University of Pretoria

Question Title

* 1. Where is your location?

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* 2. Which State are you staying presently?

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* 3. Choose the option where your age-group falls

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* 4. What is your gender?

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* 5. What is your marital status?

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* 6. What is your family type?

Question Title

* 7. What is your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 8. What is your highest educational qualification?

Question Title

* 9. How many children/dependants did you have?

Question Title

* 10. What is your home-ownership status

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* 11. In line with your home status, rate your sense of belonging at the community where you reside

Question Title

* 12. If you are a tenant, how much is your average monthly rent in monetary value?

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* 13. If you are a landlord, what is the average monthly rent you receive in monetary value?

Question Title

* 14. What is/are your source(s) of income before Covid-19 lock-down period? (you can choose more than one option)

Question Title

* 15. Select your average income per month BEFORE lock-down order by government from the following options

Question Title

* 16. How many weeks (in figure) are the Covid-19 lock-down in your state/province ?

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* 17. Are you afraid of contracting the Covid-19 disease?

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* 18. Do you believe that "staying at home" can flatten the curve/reduce the spread Covid-19 disease in your State/country?

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* 19. How do you protect yourself or any member of your households against contracting Covid-19 disease? (you can choose more than one answer)

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* 20. Are you worried about the number of Covid-19 cases in your State/country?

Question Title

* 21. Do you pay for electricity during this Covid-19 lock-down period?

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* 22. Do you pay for water supply during this Covid-19 lock-down period?

Question Title

* 23. Do you have access to credit/borrowing during this period?

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* 24. Choose the source(s) of your credit/borrowing at this period

Question Title

* 25. Do you have a regular access to internet/cable subscriptions?

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* 26. What is your monthly expenditure on cable subscriptions (i.e. DSTV, Goldtv, Startime etc.) BEFORE Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?

Question Title

* 27. What is your monthly expenditure on cable subscriptions (i.e. DSTV, Goldtv, Startime etc.) DURING Covid-19 crisis  in monetary value?

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* 28. What is your monthly expenditure on airtime and internet subscriptions (for mobile, computer) BEFORE Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?

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* 29. What is your monthly expenditure on airtime and internet subscriptions (for mobile, computer) DURING Covid-19 crisis in monetary value? 

Question Title

* 30. How do you perceive your health (mental and non-mental) during this Covid-19 lock-down period?

Question Title

* 31. Do you have access to health care/counselling services during this Covid-19 lock-down period?

Question Title

* 32. What is your monthly expenditure on receiving health/counselling services BEFORE this period in monetary value?

Question Title

* 33. What is your monthly expenditure on receiving health/counselling services DURING this period in monetary value?

Question Title

* 34. Select any of the following occupations you engaged in during this Covid-19 lock-down period? (you can choose more than one option)

Question Title

* 35. How much is your monthly income during this Covid-19 lock-down period?

Question Title

* 36. Select any of the following types of social assistance programs you or your household benefited BEFORE the Covid-19 lock-down period (you can choose more than one option)

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* 37. Select any of the following types of  social relief programs you or your household benefited DURING the Covid-19 lock-down period (you can choose more than one option)

Question Title

* 38. Rank your satisfaction about the Covid-19 palliative package distributed by Government during lock-down

Question Title

* 39. In the past 30 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food or money to buy food, how many days have you had to:

  0 day 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days
Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods?
Borrow food, or rely on help from a friend or relative?
Purchase food on credit?
Gather wild food, hunt, or harvest immature crops?
Consume seed stock held for next season?
Send household members to eat elsewhere?
Send household members to beg?
Limit portion size at mealtimes?
Restrict consumption by adults for small children to eat?
Feed working members of household at the expense of non-working members?
Ration the money you have and buy prepared food?
Reduce number of meals eaten in a day?
Skip entire days without eating?

Question Title

* 40. Now I would like to ask questions about food. During the last one month, was there a time when:

  Yes No Don't know
You were worried you would not have enough food to eat because of a lack of money or other resources?
You were unable to eat healthy and nutritious food because of a lack of money or other resources?
You ate only a few kinds of foods because of a lack of money or other resources?
You had to skip a meal because there was not enough money or other resources to get food?
You ate less than you thought You should because of a lack of money or other resources?
Your household ran out of food because of a lack of money or other resources?
You were hungry but did not eat because there was not enough money or other resources for food?
You went without eating for a whole day because of a lack of money or other resources?

Question Title

* 41. What is your average monthly expenditure on food items BEFORE Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?

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* 42. What is the average monthly expenditure on food items DURING this Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?

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* 43. What is your average monthly expenditure on non-food items BEFORE Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?  

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* 44. What is the average monthly expenditure on non-food items DURING this Covid-19 crisis in monetary value?

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* 45. What are the types of cooking facility do your household used during this Covid-19 lock-down?  (you can choose more than one option)