2024 Election Ballot

President - Elect
Vice – President-Elect
Director, Outstate Area
Delegate A
The President - Elect shall serve until the next annual business meeting and then ascend to the office of President.  He/she shall become acting President and shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence, resignation, or disability and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the President or Board of Directors.

The Vice-President-Elect shall serve until the next annual business meeting and then ascend to the office of Vice-President.  He/she shall become acting Vice-President and shall assume the duties of the Vice-President in the event of the Vice-President’s absence, resignation, or disability and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the President or Board of Directors.  He/she shall be the vice-chairperson of The Program and Education Committee.

The Secretary maintains all society records and correspondence. The secretary keeps the minutes of the board of director meetings, regular business meetings, and the annual business meeting. The secretary is also responsible for providing the minutes to the president for review and maintaining the policy and procedure manual. Other duties may be assigned by the president. 

.        DIRECTOR, Outstate Area
Directors shall participate in the governing of the N.S.R.C. and shall perform other such duties as may be necessary or appropriate for the management of the N.S.R.C.

The delegates represent the NSRC at the House of Delegate Meetings twice a year. The duties are specified by the bylaws of the AARC and the policies and procedures of the House of Delegates. Delegates are responsible for communication back to the affiliate on any resolutions and solicit input on behalf of the NSRC. A written report will follow each HOD meeting back to the state affiliate BOD. Other duties may be assigned by the President. Minimum requirement-Must have served as a member of the BOD at the affiliate level or a committee chair preceding election to the delegate position. 

TERMS OF OFFICE: Please visit the following link to the NSRC Web page to read about terms of office on our NSRC Bylaws or NSRC Handbook Board responsibilities – NSRC-online.org
* President Elect-1 yr as President Elect, 1 yr as President and 1 year as Past President (3-year commitment)
* Vice President Elect-1 yr as Vice President Elect, 1 yr as Vice President (2-year commitment)
*Secretary/Treasurer- 2-year appointment
*Delegates- 4-year appointments
*Directors- 3-year appointments

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* 1. Contact Information:

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* 2. Please provide the following information (100 characters each):

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* 3. I am running for the following position:

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* 4. Past NSRC or AARC Position, Activities, and/or Contributions(limit 200 characters)

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* 5. If elected to an NSRC board position, I agree to accept the responsibility of that position and will serve the full term of that position to my best ability.

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* 6. Why do you want to be an NSRC board member? (200 characters)