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UfM Stakeholder Consultation Questionnaire |
The Mediterranean Sea has a coastline of 46,000 km, which makes it the largest enclosed sea in the world. It is one of the top world hotspots for biological diversity, yet known for the alarming rate of biodiversity loss and persistent pollution due to demographic growth, urbanization trends, unsustainable tourism, industrial activities and hard infrastructure development. In addition, the increase in the average temperature above the limit of 1.5ºC rise, set through the Paris Agreement, makes the Mediterranean region one of the main climate change hotspots in the world, warming 20% faster than the global mean temperature[1].
[First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) on the current state of play and risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean, elaborated by MedECC (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change –].
From 2018 onwards, Mediterranean stakeholders have contributed to identifying common post-2020 priority thematic areas for the UfM Environment and Climate Action Agenda by participating in the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change, its Environment Task Force and Climate Change Expert Group, as well as dedicated online consultations, fora and meetings.
Main thematic axes and key actions will be part of the post-2020 Environment Agenda, the so called UfM "2030 Greener Med Agenda” and the UfM Climate Action Plan.
From 2018 onwards, Mediterranean stakeholders have contributed to identifying common post-2020 priority thematic areas for the UfM Environment and Climate Action Agenda by participating in the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change, its Environment Task Force and Climate Change Expert Group, as well as dedicated online consultations, fora and meetings.
Main thematic axes and key actions will be part of the post-2020 Environment Agenda, the so called UfM "2030 Greener Med Agenda” and the UfM Climate Action Plan.
Confidentiality: Participation in this survey guarantees confidentiality of the information provided by the respondents. No one apart from the survey team will have access to the information provided. Once the data are analyzed, a report with key findings and conclusions (with no specific references to respondents) will be compiled and posted on UfM website.