Entrance Survey

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* 1. Please provide the title, series, grade of your new position:

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* 2. What is your start date?

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* 3. What organization do you work for?  (check all that apply)

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* 4. Select the appropriate supervisory designation:

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* 5. Have you worked for the federal government before?

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* 6. Have you previously worked for ASC? 

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* 7. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 8. How did you find out about ASC and its vacancies (check all that apply)?

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* 9. During the time between your job acceptance and your start date, did you (check all that apply):

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* 10. If your Sponsor arranged to meet you on the first day, how helpful were they?

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* 11. On my first day, my workspace was organized and I had everything that I needed to start work (computer, phone, supplies, and/or necessary items for the position you are occupying, etc.)

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* 12. Please describe the items below in terms of usefulness:

  Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful Not applicable
Tour of the work area
Meeting key directorate personnel and leaders
Your sponsor
On-Boarding information

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* 13. Please check all of the general administrative procedures and organizational policies or procedures that were discussed with you during your first week (check all that apply.):

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* 14. Within my first week with ASC, I learned about the following (check all that apply):

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* 15. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly Agree Not applicable
Within my first week, I completed my initial performance counseling session with my supervisor
My supervisor gave me a clear idea of my job assignment and what is expect of me
My supervisor clearly defined my training requirements
My supervisor provided instructions on how to log into ACT and identify my first line supervisor
Within the first month, I finalized my performance plan with my supervisor
My supervisor clearly identified what I need to receive a successful performance appraisal
I established developmental goals in ACTs Individual Development Plan (IDP) in collaboration with my supervisor

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* 16. In general, were you prepared for your first day on the job with ASC?

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* 17. What suggestions would you make for improving the ASC onboarding program?

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* 18. How is the culture of ASC different than you expected before you started working here?

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* 19. Why did you choose ASC as an employer?

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* 20. If we have additional questions, may we contact you?

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* 21. If so, please provide your contact information.