As advised on Tuesday 18 June 2024, The Services Union is balloting members at Toowoomba Regional Council on whether to support industrial action in pursuit of an acceptable pay offer.

Voting to approve protected industrial action will send a clear message that the Council's wages offer for a new agreement is just not good enough. Remember, you are the lowest paid of all Councils in the same Category

This will be our chance to show the Council by taking legally protected action that we won’t accept the Council's pay offer.

You deserve an Agreement that provides cost-of-living relief to all staff and appropriate recognition and reward for the work you do. Voting in favour of protected industrial action is your chance to make this happen! By completing this online ballot, you are declaring that you have actioned (and will action) only one vote in the ballot process.

This ballot is open as of 9:00am on Monday 24 June 2024. Please cast your vote by 5pm on Thursday 27 June 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your First Name

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* 2. Please provide your Surname

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* 3. Please provide your Membership Number (see top right corner of email which contains the link to this survey):

Question Title

* 4. * Your job title:


In order to ensure an effective campaign to win a better deal, our Union office must be able to contact all members efficiently. Circumstances may change on an hour-to-hour basis, so timely contact with all members is vital. Please provide the following:

Question Title

* 5. Your best non-work email address

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* 6. Your best non-work mobile phone number