Welfare Officer Survey 2024

Thank you for taking the time to complete this anonymous survey.
You can find information about the RYA's data processing, by visiting the Privacy & Data Protection Policy on the RYA website.
We have used the term "organisation" throughout this survey as an umbrella term, this includes affiliated clubs, recognised training centres, Sailability groups, charities, and any other body which is linked to the RYA.

Question Title

* 1. What is your organisations relationship with the RYA?

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* 2. In which region is your organisation based?

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* 3. Approximately how many children and young people  participated in an activity at your organisation this year?

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* 4. Approximately how many "adults at risk" have participated in an activity at your organisation this year?

Question Title

* 5. Does your organisation have a Code of Conduct?

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* 6. Who is your Code of Conduct aimed at? Please tick all that apply

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* 7. Does your organisation have a process which enables children and young people to be consulted in a meaningful way, where their thoughts and views are considered?

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* 8. How do you share your contact details as the organisation's Welfare Officer with members, participants, volunteers, staff, parents and or carers?

Question Title

* 9. Were there any safeguarding / welfare / wellbeing concerns raised to you or another member of your organisation this year?

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* 10. If yes, did you feel you had the right knowledge to be able to deal with the concerns raised independently?

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* 11. If you have not received any safeguarding, welfare or wellbeing concerns this year, do you feel you would have the right knowledge to deal with any concerns confidently and appropriately which may arise in the future?

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* 12. What would you consider to be your first point of contact for support and guidance should a concern arise?

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* 13. Which of the following support from the RYA have you used in the last 12 months? - please tick all that apply

Question Title

* 14. How useful did you find the support you received from the RYA this year?

  Very useful Fairly useful Not very useful Have not used Unaware of the resource 
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Guidelines
Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidelines
Sample code of conduct
Safeguarding Adult's poster
Safeguarding Children Poster
Criminal Records Disclosure Checks (DBS, AccessNI, PVG)
Advice via email / telephone
Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop
Online Welfare Officer Course
RYA Safe Recruitment Guidance
Safe and Fun Awareness Course
Let's Talk Safeguarding Session
RYA Welfare Officer Role Description
Welfare Officer Code of Conduct
Safeguarding Facebook Support Group
Disclosures Facebook Support Group
Safeguarding Referral Process Guidance
Club Welfare Officer Registration Form
RYA Website
Changing Room Guidance
Disclosures Umbrella Body Agreement
DBS How To Guides - Videos
Welfare Officer Newsletter
RYA "Meet the Team" Webinar
None - I am new in post

Question Title

* 15. If you have sought advice or guidance from the RYA Safeguarding Team directly, accessed the many resources on offer,  or benefited from training, what if anything , have you implemented as a result?

Question Title

* 16. What Safeguarding training have you received either as a result of your  Welfare Officer role or from another professional or voluntary role? Tick all that apply.

Question Title

* 17. In your role as a Welfare Officer have you received any of the following?

  Yes No Not sure
Welfare Officer Information Pack
Disclosure Coordinator Information Pack
Invitation to join one or both of the closed Facebook Support Groups
Invitation to attend a "Meet the safeguarding team" session
Invitation to attend "Let's Talk" sessions
Invitation to attend the County Lines CPD session
Invitation to attend Ann Craft Trust Essential Safeguarding Adults Training

Question Title

* 18. Why did you become a Welfare Officer?

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* 19. Is your role as a Welfare Officer, a paid or voluntary role?

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* 20. What is your criminal records disclosure check status (DBS/AccessNI/PVG)?

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* 21. Are you aware of the upcoming changes to the RYA Affiliation process with regards to safeguarding?

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* 22. In some circumstances as part of affiliation by 2025 some of the following requirements may apply to your organisation. Tick below your organisation already has in place

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* 23. Do you consider that wellbeing and mental health are a consideration in your role as Welfare Officer?

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* 24. Do you feel that you get appropriate support from senior organisation officials and decision makers?

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* 25. Welfare roles can be isolating and emotionally challenging, especially when concerns are reported. Do you feel that your mental health has been affected by your role?

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* 26. You indicated that your mental health had been negatively affected  due too your role as Welfare Officer, please any of the following which apply to you

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* 27. Are there any areas where you feel that the RYA could provide more guidance or additional support to you in your role or to your organisation as a whole? 

Question Title

* 28. Please feel free to use the following text box to give any other feedback you feel appropriate to the Safeguarding Team

Question Title

* 29. Prize draw

Thank you for completing this survey. As a token of our appreciation, you can now opt-in to enter our prize draw. There are two prizes available:

A dryrobe® and a Helly Hansen® medium duffel bag!

To enter the prize draw, simply complete the Contact Form.

Please note, the contact details from the form will not be linked to your Welfare Officer Survey submission. The winner will be selected at random after the survey closes.

If you have any difficulties accessing the prize draw Contact Form, please email the RYA Safeguarding team.