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Please allow approximately 5 minutes to complete the survey.

Thank you for participating in the community survey. By doing so, you help guide the next three years of the Alliance’s work and forecast trends well into the future.
As part of the strategic planning process the Jewish Alliance will also conduct a series of listening sessions throughout Rhode Island specifically designed to garner feedback from individuals involved in all parts of the Jewish community - the challenges facing the Jewish community today as well as the hopes and desires of the community for tomorrow. A range of discussions and informational sessions will take place statewide, in private homes and synagogues, at the Jewish Alliance, and at other partner agencies.
To ensure diverse geographic representation, this survey functions as a crucial addition to those steps. Collected data and suggested strategies will be shared with the community for greater transparency and to illustrate the community’s needs and wants for success in the years to come.
Again, we thank you for being a part of this community process.

Question Title

* 1. Whether or not you may use them, how important are the following for creating a strong, vibrant Jewish community?

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not very Important Not at all Important
Access to Jewish social services
A range of synagogues of various denominations
Jewish pre-school/childcare
Accessibility to kosher food
Holocaust education
Israel travel opportunities
Jewish day camp
Israel advocacy and programming
Jewish overnight summer camp
Opportunities for connection
Cultural programs and events
Jewish middle and high school
A mikvah (ritual bath)
Religious school education at synagogues
A Jewish community newspaper
Jewish life on college campuses
Jewish education for adults
Jewish day school

Question Title

* 2. What are some of the ways you’ve connected with the Jewish community over the last two years? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 3. In your opinion, rate the importance of the following in our community:

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not very Important Not at all Important
Helping those in need
LGTBQ+ inclusion
Special education
Community security
Jewish overnight summer camp
Donating to Jewish organizations in Rhode Island
Senior programs and services
Addressing antisemitism in Rhode Island
Leaving a legacy/planned giving
Teen programs and services
Supporting climate resiliency for Jewish agencies
Cultural programming
Donating to Jewish organizations in other parts of the world
Donating to Jewish organizations in Israel
Addressing behavioral/mental health
Advocacy for or programming on Israel
Day school education
Living into our values of social justice

Question Title

* 4. What role does the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island play within the community today? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 5. What role should the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island play within the community in the future? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion, what is the single biggest challenge facing the Rhode Island Jewish community today?

Question Title

* 7. Has your connection to the Jewish community increased, decreased, or stayed about the same since October 7, 2023?

Question Title

* 8. What obstacles may get in the way of you participating more in the Jewish community of Rhode Island? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. The Rhode Island Jewish community inspires me because:

Question Title

* 10. What parts of Jewish identity do you personally embrace? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 11. Please select your age range:

Question Title

* 12. My zip code is:

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following best describes your affiliation?

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