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Here for Good: Community Survey 2024
Please allow approximately 5 minutes to complete the survey.
Thank you for participating in the community survey. By doing so, you help guide the next three years of the Alliance’s work and forecast trends well into the future.
As part of the strategic planning process the Jewish Alliance will also conduct a series of listening sessions throughout Rhode Island specifically designed to garner feedback from individuals involved in all parts of the Jewish community - the challenges facing the Jewish community today as well as the hopes and desires of the community for tomorrow. A range of discussions and informational sessions will take place statewide, in private homes and synagogues, at the Jewish Alliance, and at other partner agencies.
To ensure diverse geographic representation, this survey functions as a crucial addition to those steps. Collected data and suggested strategies will be shared with the community for greater transparency and to illustrate the community’s needs and wants for success in the years to come.
Again, we thank you for being a part of this community process.