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Washington State House Bill 1257, otherwise known as the Clean Buildings Bill is now Washington state law. While this is a state Department of Commerce program, Seattle City Light will play a role in paying early adopter incentives to eligible building owners. City Light is interested in exploring additional ways we can help building owners get the most out of compliance with the law and we would appreciate your input. This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.

If you would like more information about the Clean Buildings Bill, please click here to go to the website to learn more.


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* 1. What is your role?

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* 2. How many properties does your organization manage?

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* 3. What is the total square footage of your portfolio (or single building)?

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* 4. Does your organizational chart include the following roles?

  Yes No Unsure
Energy or sustainability manager
Building operator or facilities engineer
Building or maintenance manager

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* 5. How many times have you viewed your building’s energy data in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager in the last 12 months?

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* 6. Do you have an existing: (check all that apply)

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* 7. Prior to taking this survey, had you heard or were you aware of Washington State HB 1257 also known as Clean Buildings Bill?

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* 8. Is your management aware of HB 1257, also known as Clean Buildings Bill?

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* 9. Have you made a plan to (check all that apply):

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* 10. If you were provided a new incentive or rebate from City Light related to this bill, please rank the ways you would want to use the funding from 1 through 8 with 1 being most preferred.

  1. Conduct an energy audit or assessment
  2. Train or certify staff about energy management or efficiency
  3. Offset the initial cost of an energy project
  4. Get better energy data
  5. Get help to develop energy or an operations and maintenance plan(s)
  6. Other
  7. Hire a consultant to manage this for me
  8. Hire an energy manager or additional staff
  9. Pay for additional staff time to work on energy management

Question Title

* 11. What are your organization’s strengths and challenges when it comes to complying with the Washington State Clean Buildings Bill?

  Challenge Strength
Staffing availability
Capital/financial resources
Preventative maintenance approach
Well-maintained equipment
Technical knowledge about energy use
Management support and buy in
Contractors and supplier relationships
Energy data trends/ utility bill info
Plans and documentation systems
Age of building(s)

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* 12. Besides it being the law, another reason to comply with the Clean Buildings program could be (select all that apply):

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* 13. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about how City Light or the City of Seattle could help you comply?

For inquiries about this survey, please contact Emma Johnson at
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