Ways to Stay Connected and Get Involved

Thank you for attending the Sustainability CoLab launch event! There are lots of ways to stay connected and get involved. Please fill out the survey below to let us know if/how you'd like to support the work of CoLab and our Network.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information so we can follow-up with you on the ways you indicate you'd like to get involved.

Question Title

* 2. I want to stay connected with email updates. Please add me to the email list for:

Question Title

* 3. I'd like to volunteer with CoLab and/or its Network Members. Please let me know about volunteer opportunities with:

Question Title

* 4. I'd like to help build support for a Network Member's program

  Durham Sustain Ability (Durham Region) EnviroCentre (Ottawa) Niagara Sustainability Initiative (Niagara Region) Sustainable Kingston (Kingston) Sustainable Waterloo Region (Waterloo Region)
I can make a connection to organizations that might be interested in participating in the GHG reduction program
I can make a connection to potential sponsors
I can make a connection to potential volunteers

Question Title

* 5. I'd like to have my community join the CoLab Network and launch a business-focused GHG target-setting program.

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* 6. I'd like to provide financial support to help with program development and/or growth:

  I'm an interested personal donor for: I'm a potential sponsor for: I can make connections to potential sponsors for:
Sustainability CoLab
Durham Sustain Ability (Durham Region)
EnviroCentre (Ottawa)
Niagara Sustainability Initiative (Niagara Region)
Sustainable Kingston (Kingston)
Sustainable Waterloo Region (Waterloo Region)