Beat the Blues Winter Marathon-Northeast Iowa

Congratulations on completing a full marathon's worth of activities—26 miles! Don't forget to fill out this survey each time you complete a marathon (and fill out a separate survey for each family member who participated). The more marathons you complete, the more chances you have to win!

If you prefer to mail in a hard copy INSTEAD of this online survey, please check out for more information. 

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* 1. How did you hear about the Winter Marathon?

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* 2. Please check all the ways you accumulated "miles" for the Winter Marathon.

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* 3. What dates did you begin mile 1 and complete mile 26?

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* 4. Please fill in the information below so we can contact raffle prize winners.

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* 5. We would love your feedback! If you have a minute, please share what you liked about the Winter Marathon and/or ideas on how to improve it!