2022 Parent Survey

2022 Parent Survey Fort Street School

Your input is valued at Fort Street School.  Please take a few minutes to let us know your opinion.  This information will be used to help us plan parent involvement activities for our school, review and update     the school-parent compact and the parent involvement pamphlet.  
1.I feel welcome when I enter the school.
2.The school schedules parent/teacher conferences in a flexible way so that I can attend.
3.I know what the parent/school compact is.
4.Teachers regularly communicate with me.
5.My calls, emails, or notes to school staff are answered promptly.
6.I feel knowledgeable about the school's expectations of my child.
7.I feel knowledgeable about what is going on at school.
8.I know how to help my child with his/her homework.
9.My child receives additional help when needed.
10.I have been given information about how I can help my child at school.
11.I have been informed about my child's progress in school.
12.I feel the virtual parent nights and informational meetings have been informative and beneficial.
13.I am familiar with Fort Street School's student handbook.
14.I feel I have had many opportunities to become involved in my child's educational program.
15.I feel the school website has been beneficial and informative this year.
16.I am aware of the resources available to my child to support social and emotional growth, such as school counselor, social worker, after school activities, etc.
17.Please circle the grade(s) your child(ren) are in.
18.I would lke to learn more about: Please check all that apply