Ntityix Resources LP - Forestry Survey

Ntityix Resources LP is seeking input from the community to better understand its view on the the management of the Community Forest within the bounds set by the Province.

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions to help us better understand the community's interests and help guide us in land-use planning decisions.

Background: WFN manages its Community Forest through an agreement with the Province. This agreement comes with obligations such as harvesting and forest management, and opportunities such as the ability to plan land uses on the area. WFN has interest and control over what takes place within its Community Forest, therefore furthering its Aboriginal title and rights within WFN traditional territory.

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* 1. Do you have an interest in how WFN's Community Forest is managed?

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* 2. Do you see value in developing a land-use plan for the land occupied by the WFN Community Forest?

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* 3. If yes, would you be interested in participating in a working group to help develop a land-use plan for the Community Forest?

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* 4. If you answered no to question 2, would you still like to provide input about the management of the Community Forest? (please provide details, how you would like to provide your input, and your name, e-mail, and telephone number)

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* 5. What uses do you value the most in the Community Forest? (choose all that are relevant)

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* 6. In your opinion, how important is it to "zone" the Community Forest into land use categories? (i.e. areas for: intensive forest management, light forest management, wildlife habitat, spiritual values, hunting/gathering areas, etc.)

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* 7. To enter the draw for a $50 gift certificate to Sammy J's restaurant, please provide the following contact information (optional):

Submit your survey by October 30, 2015. If you would like to discuss this survey in more detail, or if you have other ideas that you would like to suggest, please contact Dave Gill at Ntityix (250-768-5617 or dgill@wfn.ca).

Thank you for completing our survey. Your feedback is very important to us.