Ever since GodPrints: Finding Evidence of God in the Shattered Pieces of Life, was released, I am often asked two questions:
How is Caleb now?
How have you survived?
I was thinking of writing a book to answer those questions, but now I'm considering a different approach after seeing the latest survey results from the community.
Please let me know your thoughts by completing this short survey :)

Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 4. If I write that book, are there any questions you'd like me to answer? About our family and/or developing that spiritual resilience? If I write it, I'll credit you your input in the book! So here's your chance to ask away!

Question Title

* 6. If I start the YouTube channel, are there any questions you'd like me to answer? About our family and/or developing that spiritual resilience? If I start the channel and use your question on air, I'll credit you!

Question Title

* 8. How likely would you be to use a devotional (or book) on the topics below? These topics are straight from the survey results. Please select all that apply

Question Title

* 9. A beta reader is someone who reads what I write before it's published and provides feedback and insight. For instance, is it well thought through? Is it Biblical? Is it helpful?
If I write any (or all) of the devotional ideas above, would you be willing to be a beta reader? Your name will be credited in the book!