The Tennessee Department of Correction is being inundated with communication (via telephone) from inmate family members wishing to speak directly with the Commissioner. TDOC is asking for input on how other agencies handle these communications. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to

Please complete the survey by January 11th, 2019.

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* 1. Please enter the contact information for the person completing the survey.

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* 2. How do inmate families bring their concerns to the Commissioners/Secretary/Director of the agency? Select all that apply.

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* 3. Is the telephone system programmed with a calling tree?

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* 4. If you answered yes to question #3, can the family member

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* 5. Is there staff dedicated to responding to inmate family concerns received via telephone call?

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* 6. If you answered yes to question #5, where is that team housed?

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* 7. Is there a policy in place to outline how inmate family members should bring concerns to the Commissioner/Secretary/Director?

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* 8. If you answered yes to question #7, can you email the policy?

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* 9. Please share other information regarding your practices.

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* 10. Are there dedicated email addresses specifically for Family Concerns, for Medical, for Security and for all other concerns?