JACTS 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Survey

The Jackson Area Comprehensive Transportation Study is currently working on developing its 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan. We rely on your input to ensure that the transportation needs of residents and visitors are met. Please fill out the survey below to share your thoughts.
1.The proposed vision for the 2050 LRTP is to "Create a transportation system that promotes safety and provides strong, multimodal connections to and within communities that is sustainably funded and well-maintained." Do you feel this vision fully encompasses the direction for Jackson County?
2.Is there anything you feel should be added to or changed about this vision?
3.In relation to Jackson County's transportation system, please indicate how important each of these priorities are to you in your day-to-day life on the following scale: Very important, somewhat important, only a little important, not at all important, don't know.
Very important
Somewhat important
Only a little important
Not at all important
Don't know
Enhance the transportation system to support economic prosperity of Jackson County
Increase the safety of the transportation system for all users
Increase the security of the transportation system for all users
Increase the ease of moving people and goods within the transportation system
Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve quality of life
Improve the connections between different transportation modes
Promote efficient management and operation of the transportation system
Maintain the existing transportation system
Improve the reliability of the transportation system
Improve travel and tourism
4.What priority should Jackson County place on each of the following issues? Rank each on the scale of very high, high, medium, low, very low.
Very high
Very low
Add lanes to increase capacity on state highways
Add facilities to make bicycle travel easier and safer
Add highway turning and passing lanes
Add sidewalks and paths to make it easier and safer to walk
Add infrastructure to support micromobility (e-bikes, e-scooters, etc.)
Expand public transportation/bus service
Expand transportation services for seniors and persons with disabilities
Improve air travel by upgrading airport facilities
Improve freight rail service to support local industries
Improve passenger bus service throughout the Jackson area
Reduce traffic congestion
Maintain existing roads
Make it easier for businesses to move goods and materials
Improve passenger rail service
Prepare Jackson County for self-driving cars
5.Please state how important each of these topics are to the future of transportation in Jackson County using the scale of very high, high, medium, low, very low.
Very high
Very low
Equity of choices for all people – Working to guarantee that everyone has a choice for transportation that works for them.
Environmental Justice and Justice40 – Ensuring the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people and confronting and addressing decades of underinvestment in disadvantaged communities.
Post-COVID-19 impacts and trends that have affected the Jackson area (Teleworking, e-commerce, supply chain disruptions)
New mobility options (Micromobility, e-bikes, e-scooters, Uber, Lyft, etc.)
Air pollution, carbon reduction, climate change
Electric vehicles (Cars, trucks, buses, trains)
Advanced technologies for different modes of transportation (Autonomous vehicles, automatic vehicle location)
Complete streets - Require streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation.
Right sizing - Matching well with existing or emerging needs. Fitting infrastructure to current and emerging sources of value.
Traffic calming - Slowing traffic in residential areas (Ex. speed bumps)
6.Is there any other topic that you feel the LRTP should further emphasize?
7.If you have a paid job outside the home, which of the following best describes how you get to work now? Select all that apply.
8.What was your total household income before taxes over the past 12 months?
9.How would you describe your race? Select all that apply.
10.What is your gender?
11.What is your age?
12.What is your ZIP Code?