Survey of Years of Service with Zapata Co. ISD

Each year Zapata Co. ISD honors employees for their dedication and loyalty to the youth of our community with an Annual Awards Ceremony.  

Some of the most memorable highlights from this annual event is the presentation of Years of Service Pins and the Retiree's Presentation. 

Please complete this survey by Friday, March 3, 2017. When calculating your years of service, please include this school year (2016-2017). 

This survey is intended to facilitate the District's Annual Employee's Awards Ceremony.

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Full Name

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Contact Information

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Enter Years of Service with Zapata Co. ISD

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Will you be retiring at the end of the 2016-2017 School Year?

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Upon retirement, how many years will you have completed with TRS?

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Would you like to participate in the Retiree's Slide Show Presentation?

If you are considering retirement and would like to participate in the Retiree's Presentation, please submit your pictures to the Human Resource Department, Attention to Mary Orengo no later then May 15, 2017. 
100% of survey complete.