South Ellerbe Restoration Project Survey

A natural stormwater restoration is being planned at 808 West Trinity Avenue, the site of the former Duke Diet and Fitness Center. This site will be transformed into a space that will be an asset to both the community and the environment. The property is located along a South Ellerbe Creek tributary that flows into Falls Lake. The artist team selected to create educational works of art requests your input themes, styles, and methods in this public survey.
1.How would you best describe your future use of the South Ellerbe Restoration Project space? (Please select one)
2.Given your intended use of the space, how would you prefer to interact with educational works of art? (Please select one)
3.When you consider which themes should be included in art or educational displays, which is most important to you? (Select up to three)
4.How would you like to be involved in the creating the artwork? (Select all that apply)
5.What is your race? You may select any that apply.
6.Are you Hispanic or Latino?
7.What is your annual household income? Mark only one.
8.Is there anything further you would like to add regarding public artwork at the South Ellerbe Restoration Project space?  
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered