A survey on employee performance management and feedback in professional firms

This survey covers employees in professional firms (not equity partners). It covers both client facing roles (e.g. lawyers, accountants, engineers etc) and business services roles in these firms (e.g. HR, IT, Finance etc). Please select "unsure" if you are unable to respond to a specific question.

Individual responses will not be attributed. Only aggregated and anonymised results will be reported.

The survey takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. We look forward to sharing the results with you!

Question Title

2. Effectiveness of performance reviews
How effective are the following aspects of performance reviews in your firm?

  Highly effective Effective Neither effective / ineffective Ineffective Highly ineffective
Providing valuable feedback insights
Addressing underperformance
Assessing / rating performance
Providing positive recognition
Guiding and aligning goal-setting
Having honest feedback conversations
Identifying development needs
Discussing career development choices

Question Title

9. Use of technology
How do you use performance and feedback software in your firm? (Please select all the responses that apply to your firm)

Question Title

12. Top change priority
What is your top priority for improving performance management in your firm in the next 12 months?

Question Title

Firm HQ location (country)

Question Title

To receive our research report and briefing invites, please provide your name and email below. We will also add you to the Performance Leader newsletter which comes out every two months and covers the type of content covered in this survey. See our privacy policy for more information. If you have any questions or comments about the survey or its content, please contact the lead report author, Ray D'Cruz (ray.dcruz@performanceleader.com).

We expect preliminary results to be communicated in December, and our report to be finalised in February. Our thanks to our research partners: Managing Partners Forum, People in Law and Chilli IQ. We look forward to sharing the results with you!