Night Time Economy Strategy |
Merton at Night
London Borough of Merton is developing a strategy to improve the night time economy in the borough. The evening and night time economy describes economic activity that happens between 6pm and 6am.
The night time economy covers a range of industries and activities, from 24-hour health and social care through to supermarkets and local restaurants. These industries support the health, wellbeing and prosperity of residents 24-hours a day and bring vibrancy to our town centres.
We want to hear from anyone who lives, works or visits Merton at night.
We will ask you about the town centre in Merton you visit most often but if you wish to tell us about more than one town centre you are welcome to complete the survey again for each town centre you want to tell us about.
By completing the survey you can be entered into a prize draw for vouchers that cover a range of high street retailers.