You have indicated that you would like to share a success story with the RTC. A success story is defined as a demonstration of the RTC's impact on you and your career. The story should describe how attending a course at the RTC led to a positive outcome. Examples of positive outcomes can include a promotion, building a case, an arrest, a successful prosecution, an important confession, etc. Alumni can include the direct benefits received from participating in the RTC training.  

We will now ask you questions relating to your success story. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

Question Title

1. Please provide your current contact information so that an RTC Staff Member can contact you about your success story.

Question Title

2. Country of Origin

Question Title

3. Agency

Question Title

4. Job Title

Question Title

5. Rank

Question Title

6. Type of Case

Question Title

7. Date of Success Story


Question Title

8. Location of Success Story

Question Title

9. Countries/Persons Involved

Question Title

10. Other Law Enforcement Agencies involved

Question Title

11. RTC course techniques used

Question Title

12. Quantity of drugs/goods ceased (if applicable)

Question Title

13. Value of drugs /goods seized (in local currency and USD)

Question Title

14. Number of victims involved (if applicable)

Question Title

15. Status of case/court action

Question Title

16. Please explain the details of your success story in clear and concise language.

Question Title

17. The RTC greatly appreciates your support in making the program a success. Please provide any additional information that you think would be useful.

Question Title

18. Please provide contact information for a colleague or your supervisor. This information will be used to verify the details of your success story.