Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Section 5310 Application |
Program Information, Eligibility, and Instructions
Program Information
The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program (Section 5310), administered by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), supports transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to address the specific needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The RTA is the designated recipient of Section 5310 funds apportioned by FTA to the Detroit and Ann Arbor urbanized areas (UZAs). As the designated recipient, the RTA is responsible for administering Section 5310 funds in those areas, which make up part of the RTA region of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties.
There is approximately $11.6 million dollars available for this call for projects for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026. The RTA will not issue another call for projects until Fiscal Year (FY) 2027.
The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program (Section 5310), administered by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), supports transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to address the specific needs of older adults and people with disabilities. The RTA is the designated recipient of Section 5310 funds apportioned by FTA to the Detroit and Ann Arbor urbanized areas (UZAs). As the designated recipient, the RTA is responsible for administering Section 5310 funds in those areas, which make up part of the RTA region of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, and Washtenaw counties.
There is approximately $11.6 million dollars available for this call for projects for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026. The RTA will not issue another call for projects until Fiscal Year (FY) 2027.
Please consult the 2024 FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance and Application Instructions to review the specific eligibility requirements prior to beginning this application
Please consult the 2024 FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance and Application Instructions to review the specific eligibility requirements prior to beginning this application
Applicants may submit no more than one application for the 2025-26 CFP using the fillable form below, which may include up to one (1) project for each of the four (4) request types. Only one project may be submitted for each request type (e.g., applicants may only submit one request for operating funds; if requesting operating funding for 2025 and 2026, request enough funding to cover both years). If requesting funds for a vehicle, the standard pricing information can be found at https://www.michigan.gov/mdot/-/media/Project/Websites/MDOT/Travel/Mobility/Public-Transportation/Applications/File/Application-Instructions-Public-Transit-Programs-Estimated-Vehicle-Prices.pdf?rev=3183163b0ff24fe08bac52fbac7bb197&hash=86DB6FFDB1B83B329CA54CD1FD3B7C48. The applicant is responsible for obtaining a quote to determine the estimated cost of any capital item that differs from those that are listed. For any questions about filling out the application, contact info@rtamichigan.org.
The deadline to submit a completed application is 5:00 p.m. February 10, 2025, applications received after this deadline will not be considered in the current funding round. Applicants are expected to follow the online form to answer the required application questions. At the end of the online form, applicants must upload the requested/supporting documentation. Applicants will enter the name, email address, date and title of the person completing the application in place of a signature. Applicants will hit “SUBMIT” when the application is completed. The application is not submitted until you receive confirmation via email. Please allow up to 24 business hours to receive the confirmation email.