Route 3A (South Plymouth) Corridor Study

The Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) is currently conducting a corridor traffic and transportation safety study of Route 3A from Sandwich Street to the Bourne Town Line (14 miles) and Herring Pond Road from Route 3A to the Bourne Town Line (2 miles) in South Plymouth, The study is being conducted utilizing federal and state transportation planning funds. As part of the public outreach module of the study, OCPC is inviting the public to complete the following survey (approximately 5 minutes) in order to better discern the needs, concerns, and wishes of the traveling public.
Thank you for participating in this important traffic and safety study, which is being conducted in cooperation with state and local partners (MassDOT and the Town of Plymouth). For more information regarding the study, please contact Bill McNulty at
1.What city or town are you currently living in?
2.When travelling on Route 3A in Plymouth, what is your PRIMARY mode of transportation (please choose only one answer)?
3.In addition to your primary mode of travel specified in Question 2, what other modes of travel do you use when traveling on Route 3A in Plymouth (select all that apply)?
4.When traveling on Route 3A in Plymouth, is your trip destination located within the corridor, or do you regularly pass through Plymouth with a destination in another part of Plymouth or outside of town (choose one answer only)?
5.What is your PRIMARY trip purpose for traveling on Route 3A in Plymouth (please choose only one answer)?
6.In addition to your primary trip purpose specified in Question 5, what other trip purposes do you have when traveling on Route 3A in Plymouth (select all that apply)?
7.What time periods do you think are the most congested time along the Route 3A Corridor in Plymouth (select all that apply)?
8.What locations along the Route 3A corridor in Plymouth are the most congested (select all that apply)?
9.In your opinion, what are the significant safety concerns along the Route 3A corridor in South Plymouth (Check All That Apply)?
10.Do you find yourself seeking alternate routes to avoid congestion on Route 3A in Plymouth on a regular basis?
11.If you answered yes to question 10, which road(s) do you use for seeking alternative routes to due to congestion on Route 3A in Plymouth?
12.What infrastructure investments and improvements would you like to see for the future of Route 3A Corridor (select all that apply)?
13.Please tell us how you found this survey.
14.What is Your Estimated Household income (optional)
15.What is Your Ethnicity (optional)?
16.What is your age (optional)?
17.What is your gender (optional)?
18.Please leave other thoughts, concerns, comments regarding transportation, travel, and safety when traveling on Route 3A in Plymouth.