State of Marriage Survey

Thank you for taking this survey! Please answer questions with your current relationship in mind. If you have left your spouse or partner, please answer questions with your most recent relationship in mind. If a question does not apply to you, or you do not wish to answer it, please skip it. 
1.What is your gender? 
2.Which of the following racial/ethnic identities describe you (you may select more than one)?
3.What is the gender identity of your partner?
4.How many children do you have?
5.Do you have a paid job? Please include any paid job, whether you work from home, in an office, in your own business, or in any other setting. 
6.How much time per week do you estimate you spend on housework?
7.How many hours per week do you estimate you spend on childcare? Please count all hours during which you are directly responsible for the care and supervision of your children. 
8.How many hours per week do you estimate you spend on other family labor, such as buying presents, caring for aging relatives, planning events, etc.?
9.What percentage of household, childcare, and housekeeping labor in your family do you estimate you do? Please include tasks such as cooking, cleaning, planning family stuff, helping children with homework, scheduling children's appointments, etc. 
10.If there is an imbalance in household, family and childcare labor, please indicate the areas in which things are most imbalanced. If things are completely equal in your family, please skip this question. 
11.Please choose the answer that best characterizes your distribution of household labor. 
12.How happy are you in your romantic relationship? 
13.How many times per month, on average do you estimate you and your partner have sex? 
14.In an average night, how many times would you estimate you get up with a baby or child?
15.In an average night, how many times would you estimate your partner gets up with a baby or child? 
16.In a typical week, how much personal time for hobbies and fun activities do you estimate you get? Do not include times during which you are directly responsible for childcare. Chores, planning household events and tasks, and other tasks should not count toward this figure. Include only activities you do purely for yourself and your own enjoyment. 
17.In a typical week, how much personal time, in hours, for hobbies and fun activities do you estimate your spouse gets? Do not include times during which you are directly responsible for childcare. Chores, planning household events and tasks, and other tasks should not count toward this figure.  
18.Does your partner get you gifts for holidays? 
19.Does your partner ever call you names when you fight? 
20.Does your partner criticize your parenting? 
21.Has your partner ever broken things or thrown things in anger?
22.Has your partner ever hit, slapped, pushed, shoved, or otherwise assaulted you? 
23.Have you ever been afraid of your partner, even if only for a moment? 
24.Does your partner ever make sexist comments, or use sexism as a weapon in fights? 
25.On average, how much sleep do you get per night? 
26.On average, how much sleep does your partner get per night? 
27.Would you say that your marriage is better than, worse than other marriages?
28.How often do you have an orgasm during sex with your partner?
29.Is there anything you would like to add? If you feel any of your answers need clarification, please add it here. You may also add any information you think might be helpful. 
30.Does your partner use anger to control you or to avoid accountability for their behavior? 
31.If you had to do it again, would you get married/enter a partnership? 
32.Have you ever been unfaithful to your partner? 
33.Has your partner ever been unfaithful to you?
34.Do you have any mental or physical disabilities, or are you neurodivergent? 
35.Does your spouse have any mental or physical disabilities, or are they neurodivergent?
36.Does your spouse work for pay? Please include all paid labor, whether they work from home, own their own business, work outside of the home, or earn money from a hobby.