Please answer our questioner regarding the Cégkapu (corporate portal) registration obligation!

From 1st of January every corporate entity registered in Hungary should have a Cégkapu availability. That platform will be entitled to handle companies’ official issues with Hungarian Authorities.

Filling this form requires approximately 2 minutes, personal data won't be requested, and all the answers will be handled anonymously. If you have any comment or question, please let us know at the final question, or directly  via email, on our Social platforms.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate, how many employees does your company occupy?

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* 2. Have you completed the Cégkapu registration already?

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* 3. What do you think about the registration process?

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* 4. If you found the registration process complicated, what caused the biggest problem?

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* 5. What is your opinion about the separation of private / corporate official issues and processes?

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* 6. If you have any question, or request please detail below: