The deadline for completing the survey is December 31.

Thank you for taking the time to provide comments and feedback to me. Your input will help me gauge the opinions of House District 78.

Please don't provide feedback if you do not reside in House District 78. To verify that you are taking the correct survey for your district, please visit our district lookup services here. If this is not the correct district, please click on the state representative that represents you and then select "visit caucus page" for links to their survey.

Question Title

* Prefix: (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.)

Question Title

* First Name:

Question Title

* Middle Initial:

Question Title

* Last Name:

Question Title

* Suffix: (Jr., Sr., III, etc.)

Question Title

* Contact Information

Question Title

* I would appreciate you sharing your thoughts on what issues you feel need to be addressed during the 2021 legislative session of the Indiana General Assembly. Please feel free to email in the future at

Question Title

* Would you like to receive a call from me regarding your submission?