Principal Investigator Profile

Thank you for your interest in the New Imaging Dementia Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (New IDEAS) study.  As a friendly reminder, the purpose of the New IDEAS study is to focus on recruitment from African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx populations who were underrepresented in the original IDEAS study. This is critical as these groups bear the greatest burden of dementia, yet they are underrepresented in clinical research and trials. To better understand the association between amyloid PET images and patient-centered outcomes in African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx populations, we are seeking your support and participation. Amyloid PET imaging represents a major advancement in understanding the disease mechanism for Alzheimer’s disease.

Please provide the following details about yourself and your site:

Question Title

* 1. Principal Investigator Name

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* 2. Institution/Practice Name 

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* 3. Physical Address of Practice

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* 4. Nature of Practice

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* 5. Did your practice participate in the original IDEAS Study?

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* 6. Is the Principal Investigator board-certified? If yes, please indicate in which subspecialty. (check all that apply)

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* 7. Principal Investigator's clinical experience in dementia care (years)

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* 8. Principal Investigator's clinical research experience as a PI (years)

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* 9. Does the Principal Investigator currently have Human Subjects Protection (HSP) training through a certification program such as CITI?