Thank you for your interest in our study!

We are looking for eligible participants for a research study on improving sleep in adolescence to prevent depression

You may be eligible for this study if you:
  • Have experienced or suspect you have experienced depression and/or anxiety in your past/present.
  • Have a child aged 12 to 17 who has never been diagnosed with depression and/or anxiety.

This study is a randomized controlled trial, meaning if you choose to participate, you and your child will be randomly assigned to either Group A or Group B.

As a participant in this study, your child would be asked to complete the following tasks, depending on your group:

Group A Tasks:
  • Complete a ~30 minute long interview over the phone
  • Complete online questionnaires and surveys about their mood and sleep patterns
  • Complete 6 brief online learning modules about sleep (up to 1 hour per module)
Group B Tasks:
  • Complete a ~30 minute long interview over the phone
  • Complete online questionnaires and surveys about their mood and sleep patterns
  • Read over an informative pamphlet about sleep
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete the following tasks, depending on your group:

Group A Tasks:
  • Complete an optional online learning module about sleep (up to 1 hour)
Group B Tasks:
  • You will not be asked to complete any tasks if you are assigned to Group B

Time and Compensation

Group A:

If you are assigned to Group A, your child's participation will take up to 6.5 hours of their time over the course of 6 weeks (interview, questionnaires, online learning). Your participation will only take up to 1 hour.

To thank you for your participation, you will receive $25, and your child will receive $200.

Group B:

If you are assigned to Group B, your child's participation will take approximately 45 minutes.

To thank you for your participation, your child will receive $100. Parents do not receive any compensation in Group B.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out your information below, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

**Please keep an eye on your spam folder in case our emails appear there.**

Question Title

* Please fill out your contact information below.

Question Title

* Have you ever been diagnosed with depression or anxiety or suspect you have experienced depression or anxiety?

Question Title

* What is your child's gender?

Question Title

* Has your child ever been diagnosed with depression or anxiety?

More Information

For more information, please contact the project coordinator Hayley at or at 403-210-6839.

This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (REB)