Welcome to The Langner Group's RIPE OT Security Capability Self Assessment

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17% of survey complete.
RIPE stands for Robust ICS Planning and Evaluation and was developed by The Langner Group to help asset owners establish and maintain an OT cyber security capability. The Langner Group is an international cyber defense consultancy and is known for cracking the Stuxnet malware.

The RIPE Self Assessment Tool (RSAT) allows asset owners to assess their OT security capability based on the RIPE framework. The RSAT will only take you about 10 minutes to complete. In addition to a high-level RSAT report on your OT security capability, an anonymized summary of all responses will be sent to the email provided so you can compare your responses to others.

Your individual responses will remain confidential with The Langner Group and will not be shared. 

More details on RIPE:
RIPE Framework whitepaper
RIPE Brochure
RIPE Video