Leadership Greensboro is seeking project proposals from Greensboro’s non-profit 501(c) (3) membership organizations for consideration as an Action Learning Project for the 2025 Class of Leadership Greensboro.

Project proposals should be designed with the understanding that the Leadership Greensboro class is comprised of talented and professionally accomplished individuals. We seek projects that are large enough in scope to utilize the skills of 4-6 team members, with different skills and experience, and that will benefit an established 501(c) (3) nonprofit agency or public sector organization. Project teams should be considered strategic project teams and will function differently than interns for the organization.

The project(s) may be an activity or development of a plan that must address the Leadership Greensboro mission statement. The project must clearly define how it helps to work toward connecting all races, genders, neighborhoods, to create a unified city for all Greater Greensboro citizens. They may be consultative, varied community-focused initiatives, activities, or involve development of a proposal. We are not seeking proposals for projects that include development of marketing/branding or fundraising plans.

Leadership Greensboro program participants may NOT engage in fundraising for the project NOR use the Leadership Greensboro logo, Leadership Greensboro affiliation or name in any fundraising. Any funding that may be needed to complete the project is solely the responsibility of the nonprofit.

What types of projects qualify?
The project(s) may be a community service activity or development of a proposal that must serve to benefit the Greater Greensboro community. If you have questions about whether your idea/project meets the criteria, please contact Laura Lorenz, Program Director at

1. The project must fit within the scope of Leadership Greensboro’s mission statement: Leadership Greensboro provides our city with an ongoing source of diverse leaders who are committed to serve as catalysts and sustainers of positive change for the quality of life in the Greater Greensboro area.
2. The project must clearly define how it helps to work toward connecting all races, genders, neighborhoods, to create a unified city for all Greater Greensboro citizens.
3. We are seeking projects such as: feasibility studies, program development, evaluative projects, or research-based projects as examples. We are not seeking marketing/branding projects at this time.
4. The nonprofit or public sector organization must be a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and must also be a member of the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce.
5. Project proposals must have the approval of the organization’s appropriate governing body and must contribute a by-name staff individual as a direct liaison with the project team.
6. No project may be fundraising in nature; any funds raised to support the project are the sole responsibility of the organization/municipality. Leadership Greensboro program participants may NOT engage in fundraising for the project NOR use the Leadership Greensboro logo, affiliation, or name in any fundraising. Any funding that may be needed to complete the project is solely the responsibility of the nonprofit organization.
7. The project deliverable must be able to be completed within the five-month time frame (January – May 2025) of the class project period.
8. The project should impact a large number of people or affect a group that has a significant need.
9. The project must be non-partisan (not support a political group, candidate)
10. Proposed projects should be action-oriented with a clear value to the community upon its completion.

Leadership Greensboro will evaluate proposals submitted by the deadline and selected nonprofits will be notified of acceptance as an Action Learning Project by August 30. Additional project proposal information may be requested at the discretion of the Leadership Greensboro selection committee.

If selected, Leadership Greensboro will notify the nonprofit agency or public sector organization with a request to participate in an Action Learning Project Selection Fair on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 between 9:00am to 2:00pm. It is mandatory that a liaison from any selected agency/organization attend the Selection Fair to provide an overview and answer any questions the class may have before selecting their project team choice for the year.

If your organization’s project is selected, we expect a designated staff member to:
· Attend meetings/conference calls with the project team at least once per month so that you can assist the team in moving from the general project description/goal to more specific project objectives.
· Be engaged with the team and available for phone calls and/or meetings and participate in mutual project feedback.
· Organization must assign a by-name staff individual to be direct liaison with project team.
Leadership Greensboro Class of 2025 will present the culmination of the project(s) as part of the program’s Community Impact Day on May 7, 2025.

If you have a community project proposal that meets Leadership Greensboro’s qualifying criteria, please complete a proposal application and return it to the Leadership Greensboro office no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 16, 2024.

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Project Liaison. The project liaison is a representative of the nonprofit agency who must be knowledgeable about the project and committed to providing support to the project team with regular email communication and virtual meetings with the team through the project period. The liaison is an integral part of the Action Learning Project, providing valuable information about both the organization and those it serves.

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* 3. Name of Project 
Give the project a title that conveys the essence and summarizes the purpose of the project and the organization in order to attract attention. 

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* 4. Target Population
Identify the group/population of Greater Greensboro citizens that will be directly impacted by or benefit from the output/outcome of the project. 

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* 5. Theme Alignment
Explain how this project helps to work toward connecting all races, genders, neighborhoods, to create a unified city for all Greater Greensboro citizens. 

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* 6. Project Description
Please provide a thorough outline/explanation of the Action Learning Project proposed and what the Action Learning Project team will do for the agency during the five-month project period. Group members will use the project description as a guide in forming their project plans.

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* 7. Specific Objectives & Deliverable
Explain the agency's goals and objectives for this project. Provide a detailed explanation of the specific deliverable(s) expected from the project team for this project. 

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* 8. Resources
Please list any resources that the agency or liaison will make available to the Action Learning Project team (examples: clerical support, data, supplies, technical expertise, etc).

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* 9. Does your agency have a strategic plan? How does this project fit into your plan if so?

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* 10. Additional Information
Please describe any additional information that might be helpful to better explain the project.

2024 - 2025 Leadership Greensboro Action Learning Project Timeline:

o Friday, August 16, 2024; 5:00 pm

ACTION LEARNING PROJECTS SELECTIONS FAIR (if proposal is selected)- mandatory for Nonprofit Liaison to attend
o Wednesday, November 20, 2024; 9:00am – 2:00pm/Location: TBD

PROGRAM YEAR (project team and agency collaborate to implement proposal)
o December 2024 to May 2025

FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATIONS (Presentation by Project Team)- mandatory for Nonprofit Liaison to attend
o Wednesday, May 7, 2025; 9:00am to 3:00pm/ Location: TBD
Acting in my official capacity on behalf of the applicant organization, I hereby certify that the above organization does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or any legally protected classification in access to services, employment, and membership or in the selection of volunteers or vendors.

I certify that the applicant organization does not discriminate in any of the above categories even if the organization is eligible for a ministerial exception or any other exceptions under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination statutes, ordinances, regulations, or interpretive case law.

I acknowledge that the above named organization for which the proposal is submitted holds a valid designation as a 501(c)(3) located in or providing services in Greensboro, NC.

Please affirm both statements below.

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* 11. By entering my name and today's date, I agree with and affirm both the Certificate of Non-Discrimination & Statement of Status above (Enter your full name and today's full date).