The Centurion Holiday Sales Success Index, Total Season Sales

Dear Prestige Jewelers, 

Please help The Centurion with its full-season spot-check survey of business among better jewelers. Your participation helps to gauge total business for the high end of the jewelry industry. All answers are kept confidential and results reported only in the aggregate. Thank you again for your time and participation,

Warmest regards,

Howard Hauben, Centurion president

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* 1. Your store name (will be kept confidential)

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* 2. How was business for the entire 2019 holiday season, compared to your holiday business last year?

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* 3. How would you characterize shopping patterns this season? Check all that apply and add comments if you wish.

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* 4. Did you notice any shifts in the kind of business you had or the kind of products you sold? (Examples: more or less bridal, more women shopping, etc.)

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* 5. What price points were strongest this season? Check as many as apply.

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* 6. What was your single biggest sale of the season? (Dollar amount and product)

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* 7. Who were the majority of your customers this season? Check all that apply.

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* 8. What were your top selling brands or products this holiday season?

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* 9. How would you rate your TOTAL YEAR BUSINESS for 2019, compared to 2018?

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* 10. To what do you attribute any major increase or decrease in your business for the total year? (Examples: weather event, construction, changes in local employment situation, etc.)