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This placement survey is designed to help you determine whether you are prepared to enroll in a college-level writing course, English 101 or English 113/114,  as part of the EWU Running Start Program.
English 101 and English 113/114 are challenging courses, and this survey is designed to give you a recommendation about which class is best for you. English 101 is designed for students who are already prepared to write at the college level. English 113/114 is designed for students who are less prepared to write at the college level. English 113 gives you the same college credit as English 101 but requires that you also take English 114, a linked 2-credit lab course that provides extra academic support to help ensure your success.  While we encourage you to follow our recommendation about whether to enroll in English 101 or English 113/114 as a Running Start student, ultimately, you get to decide.

You can only take the survey one time.

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* 1. Do you have ANY of the following:
  • Earned a B+ or better in your last high school English class?
  • Earned a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher up to this term?
  • Completed or are enrolled in an English Advanced Placement course?
  • Earned a 3 or 4 on the Smarter Balanced English test?
  • Scored 480 to 640 on the SAT (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing)?
  • Scored 15- 27 on the ACT English?

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* 2. What is your legal First Name?

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* 3. What is your legal Middle Name (leave blank if not applicable)

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* 4. What is your legal Last Name?

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* 5. What high school grade are you in?

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* 6. What high school do you attend?

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* 7. What is your EWU student I.D. Number? 

This is the 8-digit "verification code" on your acceptance letter, and begins with "009xxxxx" or "01xxxxxx"

0 of 7 answered