
This survey intends to gauge levels of interest about some coming things we may wish to do in Ansible or Ansible Tower.

We also wish to do a lot of OTHER things, so don't infer this means we're prioritizing these specific things, we just really had some very specific questions we wanted to poll you on.

Thanks very much for your help and feedback!

Question Title

* 1. Do you have any bare-metal machines in your datacenter that you wish to manage? These might be OpenStack host machines, or completely raw non-virtualized machines. These might be machines you manage with something like Cobbler today. Can you share approximately how many bare-metal machines you have? If not applicable, please enter 0. Exclusive cloud users should enter 0. Do not count desktops.

Question Title

* 2. If you are interested in managing bare-metal systems, what capabilities should Ansible have in managing them? If you do not have bare-metal systems please skip this question. The thing you would like to see most should be rated a "1".

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* 3. One of the things we'd like to do is track more "compliance" type scenarios -- though everyone has different needs. In terms of thinking about IT compliance, which of the following features are most important to you? Please rank them so we can tell which is the most important to you? If you don't care about compliance (maybe you're a home user or a test lab?), please feel free to skip this question. Your top choice should be a "1".

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* 4. State of the Docker question. Lots of Ansible/Docker overlap, we're just wanting to touch base on what you're doing if you are using both Ansible/Docker. It's fine if you aren't :)

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* 5. If a genie appeared inside your laptop, and you could have any feature added to Ansible or Ansible Tower, what would it be?

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* 6. If you'd like us to perhaps contact you if we'd like to hear more about your infrastructure, or if you'd like to share more about how you are using Ansible, feel free to tell us more and supply your contact info in this box.