1. Great Places to Work in the Federal Government Survey

This brief survey is being conducted by Washingtonian Magazine and Federal News Radio, 1500AM. Your responses will help us determine the best federal agencies in Washington to work for and why. Results will appear in an upcoming issue of Washingtonian Magazine. Thank you for your participation.

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1. Your Agency

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2. How long have you been working at your agency?

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3. On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being NOT a great place to work and 7 being a great place to work, how would you rank your agency?

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4. What is the best part of working at your agency? (Please choose one answer.)

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5. On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 being "not at all satisfied" and 7 being "completely satisfied," how satisfied are you with your job?

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6. Would you recommend your agency to a friend as a great place to work? (Please assume, for purposes of this question, that the friend is qualified for the job and that you would not mind working with a friend.)

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7. Please explain why you would or would not recommend this agency as a great place to work.

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8. May we call you for a possible interview? If so, please provide your contact information below. (This information will remain confidential unless you give us permission, in a follow-up interview, to quote you.)