The Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region (WUPPDR) is developing a regional housing study and strategy for the western six counties of the U.P. The intent is to evaluate the current state of the housing market, trends, needs, and opportunities, and to develop actionable steps that communities can take to encourage and facilitate development – particularly quality affordable housing. 

The housing study and strategy is funded by a CARES Act grant from the United States Economic Development Administration. The project will be completed by summer 2022.

The first feedback and engagement mechanism we are undertaking is this survey. As parties that in many cases are witness to the impacts of the current competitive housing market, input from employers is critical to this process, and we would greatly appreciate your response.
Submit only one response for your business or organization. Please enter any additional comments or clarifications in the box after each question.

Question Title

* 1. Are you aware of prospective employees, or employees who have already taken a position with your company, who have had trouble finding suitable housing? Please explain.

Question Title

* 2. How frequently has each of the following issues been voiced, either by current/prospective employees or others you do business with in the area?

  Often Occasionally Rarely or never
Unable to find suitable “in town” house to purchase
Unable to find suitable “rural” (i.e. outlying township) house to purchase
Unable to find suitable other housing type (e.g. condo) to purchase
Unable to find suitable single-family house to rent
Unable to find suitable apartment or condo to rent
Overall affordability
Overall quality
Lease terms/length
Length of time to find suitable unit (but eventually got one)

Question Title

* 3. Based on discussions with current or prospective employees, how often have shortages been voiced of the following subjective categories of housing?

  Often Occasionally Rarely or never
Affordable/starter homes

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever had a prospective employee decline a position due to difficulty in finding suitable housing? How often?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any employees who live farther away from your facility than they want to due to difficulty in finding suitable local housing? Please explain.

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* 6. Have you lost any employees because they lived farther away from your facility than they wanted to and no longer wanted to commute? Please explain.

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* 7. Have you allowed, or considered allowing or expanding, remote work opportunities specifically to alleviate housing difficulties (e.g. distance)? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Some employers have gone so far as to create or support “workforce housing” to alleviate hiring difficulties resulting from housing issues. Would you consider this? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Have you taken any other actions, such as offering financial incentives, specifically to ease employee housing difficulties? Please explain.

Question Title

* 10. Have you observed any changes in current/prospective employee housing difficulties since spring 2020? Please explain.

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* 11. Do you have any other comments to share?