Booking Form - Information Stand
Nb. Spaces are limited - Book early to avoid disappointment!

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Organisation

Question Title

* 3. Contact Mobile / Tel Number(s)

Question Title

* 5. Website (if applicable)

Question Title

* 6. My organisation is able to attend & provide an information stand at this event

Question Title

* 7. Info Stand Requirements: Pease select as appropriate

Question Title

* 8. Info Stand Requirements: Number of Chairs

If you are unable to attend this event but would like to send information about your organisation/Service, please send to
Teresa McBennett
Health and Wellbeing Officer
Mid Ulster District Council
Ballyronan Road
BT45 6EN
before Wed 11th September 2024

This event is organised by Mid Ulster District Council, in partnership with NICHI, CWSAN and funded through Northern Healthy Lifestyle Partnership

Question Title

* 9. Please note any additional requirements in the space provided below eg accessibility, dietary allergies / intolerances

Question Title

* 10. Date:
