Civil Service Audits and Civil Service Payroll - Lump Sum Overview Survey

The State Controller's Office (SCO) is requesting that all personnel specialists and their supervisors complete this brief questionnaire on departmental needs around processing lump sum separation pay. Please take five minutes to complete the survey to assist SCO with targeting support toward those needs. 
3.Agency Code and Agency Unit Number (i.e.- 051-220)(Required.)
5.Does your agency need an overview of the lump sum process?(Required.)
6.Does your agency need an overview of how to submit a first tax year PAR?(Required.)
7.Does your agency need an overview of how to submit a second tax year PAR?(Required.)
8.Does your agency need an overview of the lump sum pre-tax calculator?(Required.)
9.Does your agency need an overview of how to use the paycheck calculator for Roth?(Required.)