As part of the cross-professional subcommittee’s work this year, Stuart Henry, our President, is looking to organise a networking event with a difference - a Motorcyclist’s summer ride out to Clevedon on a Thursday/Friday evening in July or August (weather dependent). Probably starting from Clifton Downs around 5-5.30pm and ride across the Bridge (where we can get some great publicity shots), and on to a venue TBC in Clevedon, for refreshments and networking, aiming to return to Bristol by 8/8.30pm.

If there is enough interest from our legal membership, we are hoping to extend the invitation to other professional organisations in the City such as the IoD and ICAEW but want to ensure we have enough lawyers to be well represented in this first cross-professions event.

It should be a good opportunity to mix and connect with people from other professions across the city, with a shared interest in motorcycling and the fun and informal setting that brings.

If you are a motorcyclist of any level (including learners and pillions) and would like to take part, please register your interest below.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Job Title:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation:

Question Title

* 4. Email Address:

Question Title

* 5. Motorbike:

Question Title

* 6. Interested in riding out on an evening in July or August?

If you are interested in riding out, we will contact you by email and ask you for your mobile number so that we can set up a Whatsapp group which will be easier to organise, provide location pins, weather updates etc.