If you are a referring physician or hospital staff member who has arranged a patient transport from your facility to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, we want to know what you thought of the experience so that we can make sure we’re delivering the service and support you need. We thank you for your feedback and for your ongoing partnership.

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* 1. The process of requesting a transport was smooth and trouble-free.

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* 2. The transport staff I talked with via phone during the request were courteous and efficient.

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* 3. The transport staff who came to our facility were courteous and efficient.

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* 4. The transport staff who came to our facility engaged the patient’s family and were supportive of them.

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* 5. I would request the CHOP transport team in the future.

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* 6. How could CHOP transport improve our services to you and your facility?

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* 7. Please provide the date of transport you're providing feedback about so that we may better improve our transport process.


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* 8. To help us further improve our transport process and address any concerns you may have, please consider providing your name, email, and/or the facility from where your patient was transported.

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* 10. If your patient was transferred from an ED, please indicate below how we might enhance our collaboration with your ED. (check all that apply)