NOTE: This survey is for Aurukun residents only. If you are a stakeholder, please go to:

Thank you for participating in the Aurukun Shire Council Community Safety Plan Community Engagement process. Your participation will contribute to the improved safety and perception of safety of all constituents in the Aurukun Shire Council area.

The Aurukun Shire Council Community Safety Plan (CSP) aims to outline how Council will seek to enhance perceptions of safety, reduce crime and build community resilience, and will inform Council’s future strategic planning. The CSP shall work in conjunction with other Government community safety planning and frameworks.

All personal information gathered via this survey will be de-identified and retained and used exclusively by Council to improve community safety in the Aurukun Shire/ Township.

Please remember to press the "DONE" button at the bottom of the survey once complete to ensure it is submitted.

This survey will take around 5 mins to complete. By fully completing this survey and providing your contact details, you could WIN A PRIZE! Prize winners drawn after survey close 31 October 2024. Max 1 entry per person, per survey (5 total).

Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. How do you identify (gender)?

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* 3. How do you identify (ethnicity)?

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* 4. Do you live in Aurukun?

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* 5. Where in the Aurukun Shire/Township do you live?

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* 6. IF you would like to go in the draw to WIN A PRIZE for completing this survey, please provide your details so that we can contact you if you win:


Question Title

* 7. phone number:

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* 8. email address:

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* 9. What is your opinion on the general cleanliness around Aurukun?

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* 10. Which of the following environmental issues do you think affect you the most in Aurukun? (Select as many answers as you agree with)

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* 11. Have you ever noticed that water is collected in areas and remains for sometime, (in-effective draining)?

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* 12. Are you, or someone that you know, experiencing any of the following?

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* 13. How often have you been without power for more than 3 hours in the last 12 months?

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* 14. How often have you been telecommunications for more than 3 hours in the last 12 months?

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* 15. Is it easy and affordable for you to access clean and safe drinking water in Aurkun?

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* 16. How often are you woken during the night, or unable to sleep, due to people related noise in Aurukun (Music, parties, social disturbances)?

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* 17. If something needs to be repaired in your home, how easy is this to get done?

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* 18. How often do you recycle? (eg. Containers for Change)

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* 19. How supported by Council and other Stakeholders do you feel in Aurukun to change your lifestyle to better suit the environment?

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* 20. Do you know of any opportunities in community that provide education and support about the environment? (ie, rubbish disposal education, fires etc)

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* 21. Do you think that (services/ council) are working toward improving the environment in Aurukun?

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* 22. Do you know who to ask for help with anything in your environment which was having a negative impact on your life?

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* 23. When community collaborates on solving any environmental concern, how successful do you think the outcome is?

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* 24. Do you feel that Aurukun has family friendly facilities where people can have BBQ's/gatherings?

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* 25. What environmental factors do you think need to be a priority to enhance your life and well-being?

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* 26. What do you think would make it easier for Aurukun community to pass on 'respect for Country' to younger residents?

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* 27. Would you take part in community discussions where you could provide feedback and suggestions regarding the environment in Aurukun?

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* 28. Please provide any further comments or suggestions regarding environment in Aurukun.