Retail Risk Survey - 3rd of October

Dear industry representative,

A team from the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) is attending the Retail Risk Conference and we hope to meet you there.
If you are attending, we are keen to know what may be interesting to you, so that we can make sure the event is as useful to you and your fellow attendees.

If you cannot make it, it is still useful for us to know about the topics that are foremost in your mind so we can plan our future communications.
The survey is anonymous, which means we will not collect or report data that allows you or your organisation to be identified. By filling in the survey, you will help us improve the advice, products and guidance we have on offer.
Please take two minutes to fill in the survey.

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* 1. What sector do you work in ?

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* 2. Please state the size of your business (average number of employees)

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* 3. What is your main reason for attending he NaCTSO stand?

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* 4. From this list, what topics are you most interested in finding out more about?

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* 5. This survey is anonymous. Are you happy for NaCTSO to periodically contact you about future events, product announcements or to seek your views on counter terrorism matters ?

If yes, please provide your email address, name and organisation.