Question Title

* 1. When you started at ADP, were you informed of the services offered by the ADP Health & Wellness Centers (HWCs)?

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* 2. Are you aware that services provided at the HWCs are at no cost to you?

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* 3. Do you know that the HWCs offer? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Please indicate the specific reasons you have used the HWCs. (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A
Courtesy and  professionalism of the front desk staff
Expertise of the Physician/Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant
Ease of making appointment
Waiting time to see provider
Overall visit experience

Question Title

* 6. Please rate the following mobile services, if available at your location:

  Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A

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* 7. Would you recommend the services of the HWC to your coworkers? (Additional Comments # 10 below)

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* 8. Who do you use as your first line of care?

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* 9. Do you feel that ADP offers an environment and sufficient resources to support your well-being

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* 10. Thank you for your participation in this survey. Please comment on any ways that we could improve the services offered.