
Question Title

Thank you for participating in a training to help resource parents (caregivers who are caring for children in out-of-home care) and professionals become more Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) informed. You have participated in a training for the Secondary Traumatic Stress Innovations and Solutions Center (STS-ISC) at the University of Kentucky’s Center on Trauma and Children. You may have completed pretest evaluation and are now being asked to complete a posttest evaluation. We would like to use the training evaluation data for research purposes. If you consent to participate in the posttest evaluation of this training, your evaluations will be used for research. If you volunteer, you will be one of approximately 630 individuals to do so. Your participation is voluntary, and you can stop at any time.

The purpose of the posttest evaluation of this training is to help us understand resource parent and professional's knowledge, attitudes, and skills about secondary traumatic stress.

Questionnaire Procedures:
Evaluation activities include collecting information from you through a posttest questionnaire that will each last approximately 20 minutes. The questionnaire contains questions about your age, gender and professional background, as well as your experience of STS and related symptoms. By completing the evaluation questionnaire, you are consenting to research analysis of your evaluation data.

Evaluation questionnaires will not ask you for any identifying information about yourself and information will be reported in aggregate (no individual responses will be reported). Your questionnaire responses will be anonymous which means no names, IP addresses, email addresses, or other identifiable information will be collected with your responses. We will not know which responses are yours if you choose to participate. Only project personnel will have access to individual questionnaires. You will be asked to create a unique 5-digit code that will help us link your pre- and posttest questionnaires. You will be asked to use this unique 5-digit code on both the pre and posttest questionnaires. This 5-digit code will not be linked to your name or other identifying information. The information you provide in the questionnaires will be retained for six years after the end of the training.

Potential Risks and Benefits:
There are no known risks for participation. You will be asked about your experiences of secondary traumatic stress and related symptoms. You will not get personal benefit from taking part in training evaluations. Your participation will help us better understand resource parent and professional's knowledge, attitudes and skills about secondary traumatic stress.

There is no cost to participate and you will not receive payment for your participation.
Consent for Participation:
By completing these questionnaires, you are consenting to participate in the evaluation of this training. If you do not wish to participate, please exit the questionnaire. If you continue, we will use your de-identified data in our evaluation of this training. Please be aware, while we make every effort to safeguard your data once received from the on-line questionnaire/data gathering company, given the nature of on-line questionnaires, as with anything involving the Internet, we can never guarantee the confidentiality of the data while still on the questionnaire/data gathering company’s servers, or while en route to either them or us. It is also possible the raw data collected may be used for marketing or reporting purposes by the questionnaire/data gathering company after the questionnaire has concluded, depending on the company’s Terms of Service and Privacy policies.

What If You Have Questions, Suggestions or Concerns?
If you have questions or concerns, you can contact the project’s Principal Investigator, Ginny Sprang, PhD, of the University of Kentucky Center on Trauma and Children at (859) 218-6901 or sprang@uky.edu. If you have any concerns or questions about your rights as a volunteer in this research, you can contact the University of Kentucky (UK) Office of Research Integrity (ORI) between the business hours of 8am and 5pm EST, Monday-Friday at 859-257-9428 or toll free at 1-866-400-9428.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent?