Cal TF Member and Stakeholder Participation Survey

Cal TF Staff is surveying members and other stakeholders to understand their interest in participating in Cal TF Subcommittees and working groups. The expectation for Cal TF members is participation in at least one initiative. These include review of draft deemed or custom measure packages or participation in the development of a Technical Position Paper (TPP) or whitepaper. The information will help Cal TF Staff prioritize work that will be the most impactful to energy efficiency programs and customers. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

The following questions pertain to the Custom Initiative.

Question Title

* 1. Custom Subcommittee: The Custom Subcommittee is the hub for all custom-related efforts for the Cal TF. In 2024, The Custom Subcommittee will receive updates, provide input, and review work products for the consolidated Custom Rulebook, statewide Custom Templates, Custom Measure Library, Custom Tool Library, Baseline Database, and ongoing efforts related to the Custom Policy and CPR initiatives. Since all efforts are designed to improve custom processes and outcomes, we encourage all Custom Stakeholders to engage in the Custom Subcommittee. The Custom Subcommittee meetings monthly on the 1st Wednesdays.

Are you a participant in or would like to join the Custom Subcommittee?

Question Title

* 2. Custom Measure Package (CMP) Working Groups develop the recommended statewide methods and measure-specific guidance for common measure types or groups (see list below). Participants provide valuable insight into the specific measure requirements. Implementers benefit by aligning the requirements with their program processes to streamline measure development. Program Administrators benefit with input from a technical reviewer perspective and are able to reduce review time and cost. CMP Working Groups typically meet bi-weekly for 4 to 6 months, with the date/time of meetings scheduled based on WG participants. Cal TF will schedule WGs throughout the next two years based on stakeholder input.

Which of these CMP Working Groups are you interested in participating in? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. For any of those checked above, are you involved with or aware of an energy efficiency program that may deploy the CMP measure following Cal TF affirmation? Please enter the program below.

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* 4. Are there any custom measures or systems not listed above for which you would like a Custom Measure Package developed?

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* 5. The objective for Deemed Subcommittee is to (1) identify and tackle the remaining obstacles in deemed measure development and implementation and (2) leverage a highly-utilized, highly-successful, statewide resource (eTRM) to solve other obstacles in the EE ecosystem.

Which of the following topics would you participate in: (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 6. Please input your name.

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* 7. Please indicate your organization.