Nomination Form

Nominations for this year's Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon Recognition Award are being accepted until September 6.

Please use this online form to nominate a deserving individual or group. This annual award recognizes individuals or groups who advance RPAY’s mission by providing opportunities for their communities to be active and healthy through recreation and parks.

The RPAY Board of Directors reviews all nominations and selects an recipient. The Recognition Award is presented at the Yukon Annual Recreation Gathering or in the award recipient's community each Fall.

For more information, please contact the Recreation and Parks Association of the Yukon at:
Phone: 867-668-2389

Question Title

* 1. Nominator Information

Please share your information, as the nominator.

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Information

I nominate the following individual or group to be recognized for advancing RPAY’s mission which is to, “Support Yukon communities to engage their citizens in active, healthy lifestyles through recreation and parks.”

Please provide the following information about the nominee.

Question Title

* 3. Reason for Nomination

Please provide a brief description of why your nominee deserves the award.