Mental Health Families and Friends Email Communication Survey

Email Communication Feedback (All Stakeholders)

Welcome! We appreciate your time in providing feedback on how we communicate with you via email. Your responses will help us improve how we communicate so we can keep you updated in a way that works for you.

As an acknowledgement of your valuable time, you can go into the draw to win a $50 visa card on completion of the survey.

1.To understand how we can best communicate with you please indicate which of the following applies:
2.Are you a family member or friend of someone living with
3.Are you currently receiving emails from us regarding upcoming surveys, programs (including Conversations with Families and Friends) and Mental Health Advocacy news?

If you answer no to the below question and would like to receive emails from us please subscribe via our website
4.The reason we send emails to you (in addition to quarterly e-newsletters) is so we can update you with event, advocacy updates and opportunities that come up in a timely manner.

What information would you like to receive from us via email?
5.How useful is the information that we email through to you?
6.How often do you read the emails that we send to you?
7.Are you happy with the frequency our emails are being sent out to you?
8.Do you find the emails we send easy to read?
9.Are you receiving any duplicate emails?
A duplicate email is one where you are receiving two of exactly the same email.
10.Overall, how satisfied are you with the emails that you receive from us?
11.Would you like to go in the draw to win a $50 visa card?
12.If you answered yes to the above question, please leave your name and contact number in the box below:
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered