Welcome to the election for the ISME Board and President-Elect for the 2024-2026 biennium.

You are invited to vote for President Elect and for the Board members for the next biennium. For full information about each of the nominees, consult the listings in the ISME website.

Important Notes:
  • You can vote for only one of the two nominees for ISME President Elect
  • You can vote for up to 12 of the nominees for the ISME Board. You may vote for fewer if you wish.
  • You must be a current individual ISME member to vote.
  • Students, Retired members and Honorary Life Members are allowed to vote.
  • CoPA and Institutional members can vote only if they have opted to have a paid membership.
  • Voting is confidential. You are only asked for your email to check your ISME membership status to validate the vote. There is an independent scrutineer to ensure this is followed.
  • Voting closes at 6 PM pm (Helsinki Time) on 31 July 2024

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your email associated with your ISME membership to the box below. Your vote will be deemed valid only if your email matches the one on our records and if you are a current individual member or a paid CoPA/Institutional member.

Question Title

* 2. President-Elect
Please choose ONE of these options.

Question Title

* 3. Board members
You may vote for up to 12 of these nominees. If you DO NOT wish to vote for the Board you must click on the final option. If you wish to vote for fewer than 12 you may do so.

Thank you for participating in this election. Your voice matters to us.