ROWSC Technical Requirements Updates Public Comment

This form is a location to record comments related to the proposed revisions to the Right of Way Stewardship Council's ROW Steward Technical Requirements. A document summarizing updates, and a clean version of the updates can be found at the links below:

High Level Updates
Clean Revised Requirements

Comments must be submitted by 10/25/2024. Comments can also be provided to to the ROWSC administrator by emailing
1.Your name:
3.Phone Number:
4.Professional Affiliation:
5.Please provide any comments related to the proposed general changes:
6.Please provide any comments related the proposed changes to Principle 1: Compliance with laws, standards, and best management practices.
7.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 2: Tenure and use rights and responsibilities.
8.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 3: Community relations.
9.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 4: Management planning.
10.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 5: Understanding pest and ecosystem dynamics.
11.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 6: Establishing tolerance levels.
12.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 7: Compilation of an array of vegetation management techniques.
13.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 8: Accounting for economic and ecological effects of treatments.
14.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 9: Site-specific implementation of treatments.
15.Please provide any comments related to the proposed changes to Principle 10: Monitoring and adaptive management.
16.Please provide any other comments you may have related to the ROWSC Technical Requirements updates.